Structural Engineering Services

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Structural Engineering

Creating structural engineering services that are efficient, accurate and use precise structural drawings and structural drafting requires keen engineering acumen. Our reliable structural design services help support a comprehensive approach to the planning and design of building structure design with the expertise of experienced structural engineering consultants.

Our skilled structural consultants are familiar with and have extensive experience creating structural plans, structural analysis and structural drawings that adhere to ASHRAE standards, NFPA codes, AS/NZS guidelines and IECC (International Energy Conservation Codes) so that they can effectively assist global structural engineers, contractors and manufacturers.

Focusing on the design, construction and maintenance of structures, the main objective of structural analysis and structural engineering services is to ensure safety, stability and the of withstanding the loads and stresses of a building’s lifespan.

Analysing loads, such as the structure’s weight, occupancy, furniture and the effect of snow, wind and earthquakes, structural architects must have in-depth knowledge of the properties and behaviour of different construction materials, such as concrete, steel, wood and composites, to be able to select the appropriate materials for each structural aspect.

Designing structures to resist loads and stresses involves structural analysis of the size, shape, amount and type of structural elements and reinforcement. Our expert design consultants are well-certified to execute these calculations, experienced in engineering structures and can also ensure that structures comply with local building codes and safety standards, including consideration for the structure's resilience to earthquakes and hurricanes.

Incorporating CAD and BIM software and advanced materials, our experienced structural consultants also focus on sustainable and eco-friendly design as part of our building design services, structural engineering services and structural design services.

XS CAD’s structural engineering services include:

  • Load & force analysis
  • Material analysis
  • Structural design
  • Structural plans
  • Structural analysis
  • Steel design/steel structure design
  • Structural drafting
  • Safety & standards compliance
  • Technological expertise
  • Sustainable design

Combining creativity and technical knowhow, our design consultants plan built environments that are functional and safe using the latest CAD services. With evolving technology and materials, we ensure that our structural consultants are updated and well versed with the latest advancements.


Reliable design consultants ensure comprehensive design support, CAD drawing services and flawless structural drawings, steel design/steel structural design, engineering services, BIM for engineering and structural design services for various project types, such as:

Software Expertise

Skillful and experienced design consultants help us provide high-quality structural plans and structural design services with their proficiency on these software tools for different building challenges, including providing CAD drafting services and solutions:
