XS CAD responds to Covid-19

The Covid-19 pandemic is fraught with a range of challenges on a global scale. XS CAD has responded promptly to those challenges by forming an internal team to plan and communicate protocols and actions, keeping as our top priority – the health and safety of employees, customers and the environment and communities with whom we interact.
Carefully monitoring the Covid-19 updates, XS CAD is committed to adhering to the guidelines of the WHO (World Health Organisation), the regulations of the respective governments where we operate and acting proactively within our organisation, across countries.
We were quick to administer physical and social distancing norms. Even before official declarations of national lockdowns, we had already asked our employees to work from home, handling the logistics to ensure a seamless move from the office to the home environment. Flexible and secure remote working arrangements combined with frequent video conferencing have ensured that our work and global services remain uninterrupted.
Managing business continuity is our second priority. Our business continuity plans have been put into place to reduce inconvenience, delay and any other impact due to the pandemic on our delivery of services to customers. Prioritising collaboration with customers, our teams are utilising online collaborative technologies and online meeting options to support our customers worldwide and facilitate delivery on time and within budget, with no compromise on quality.
XS CAD is deeply committed to providing high-quality services to our customers, while responding rapidly to any new developments that the unpredictable nature of the pandemic may present.
The health of our employees, our customers and our extended societies requires dedication and strength of resolve from all of us. At XS CAD, we will draw on our assets – our human resources, infrastructure and experience – to maintain business continuity while helping reduce the spread of the virus.
XS CAD is also pleased to communicate that we are in fact open to new business and have already started to assist new customers who are continuing operations in their own markets, relying on our support to ensure business continuity in their own markets.
For further information during this challenging time, please contact press@xscad.com