Why 3D MEP Design Is Important for Housing

Consistent action leads to consistent results, and it is only consistent design that guides consistent action in construction. Large homebuilding projects or housing projects may see a variety of layout designs, but these houses must have consistent MEP design, which can be ensured by creating these designs in 3D and, better still, 3D in a BIM (Buidling Information Modelling) format using Revit software. Taking advantage of 3D CAD modelling services for MEP design offers several other benefits.
Keeping Up with the Joneses
As a homebuilding project may consist of hundreds of houses, it’s important that MEP systems design for individual houses uses the same components, made of the same materials and sizes and installed with the same design intent to keep costs from skyrocketing and to get a sense of consistency in the project. Designing for MEP systems in a 3D BIM format can make these things easy to do
Easy Viewing for Designers
When houses in the same project have different floor layouts, their MEP systems design will have to adapt. Thus, homebuilders can see where the services are for different layouts and where and how they connect with the main supply lines and drainage for water and main electrical lines.
It’s the Smart Thing
An increasing number of homes are using more services, such as more ACs, more heating vents, more solar panels and smart technology to operate these services. A comprehensive 3D MEP design format makes it easier to keep everything on track.
Handling Complexity
Gradually, MEP systems have become more complex in modern housing, using state-of-the-art technology, components and materials and incorporating green building approaches. In such a scenario, there is an increasing need for Revit models and Revit BIM services to plan, design and generate drawings for system installations.
Easy Viewing for Owners
When MEP design is saved in a 3D format, it is useful for facilities management, maintenance, repairs and renovations in the future. Owners can see every part of their MEP systems, the location of components and the materials used for components, all of which is essential information for any potential changes or modifications.
In addition to the above benefits of 3D MEP design for housing specifically, there are the basic benefits of MEP design in 3D, such as:
Creating high-quality 3D MEP design for houses requires the expertise and reliability of experienced design partners. Obtaining the licensed modelling software for CAD design and drafting can be expensive.
Many firms prefer to seek offshore partners for Revit 3D modelling and other 3D CAD services, as they are trusted, cost-effective and deliver quality services.
XS CAD has valuable experience providing 3D CAD services and Revit 3D modelling for large homebuilders, general contractors and design consultants. Our range of services for homebuilding firms across the world include MEP design for houses, CAD design and drafting, 3D CAD modelling services and Revit BIM services, and we offer retained teams when required. We create these models, drawings and BIM services by using Revit, AutoCAD and BIM Collaborate Pro for cloud collaboration.