How Is the Homebuilding Industry Beating Covid-19 ?

According to industry sources, the Covid-19 lockdown in many countries, especially in the West, are seeing more visitors online, on homebuilding sites, than ever before. How could this be? Well, with the help of architectural design drafting or residential BIM modelling services, namely accurate architectural drafting services and 3D architectural rendering services, it has become viable to provide customers with photorealistic rendered images and 3D walk-throughs of homes, apartments and commercial establishments, paving the way for easier sales and marketing communications and client approvals.
With an increase in the number of enquiries and interaction between homebuilders and customers, much of the groundwork in the preconstruction stage can be completed. This is due to the industry’s preparedness to adapt to changing conditions in the time of Covid-19, while continuing to provide services.
For most developed nations, housing construction constitutes approximately 15% of national economic growth. Any means of buoyancy in the homebuilding industry, therefore, is of critical value to national economies. The construction industry, as all other industries, has had to adapt to the times. This means that builders may need to stagger the work of masons, electricians, plumbers, etc., to enforce social distancing protocols. Many project supervisors are heroically plunging ahead to build medical facilities, either from scratch or adapting existing structures. Governments worldwide recognise the need to allow the construction sector to function, with safeguards, as closely to normal as possible.
There are a few measures for health and safety that homebuilding project supervisors can ensure on site, such as:
Possible Long-term Effects on Homebuilding
To move the cogs of construction smoothly, accurate and detailed planning is vital. Architectural visualisation helps to plan realistically. Visualisation in architectural design enables architects and designers to show others an accurate view of their vision, thus helping construction planning. Several different software can provide clients with a photorealistic view of interiors and exteriors before actual construction, and the experience can even be immersive, using augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), resulting in attractive and detailed rendering and 3D walk-throughs.
Benefits of 3D Rendering & Walk-throughs
These benefits result in customers making informed decisions on planning, approvals, modification and purchase of homes. They also result in an early marriage of the architect’s vision and the client’s desires, so that adjustments can be made prior to the commencement of construction, saving expenses, time and stress.
At this critical juncture, builders across the world will want to continue their work and work towards their financial goals. The services of offshore companies can be invaluable to builders tackling the Covid-19 fallout on their businesses. Here’s how offshore preconstruction, 3D and BIM (Building Information Modelling) services firms are able to contribute:
An offshore architectural design drafting firm, with experienced and technically qualified professionals and a comprehensive approach to continuing work during any situation, can deliver accurate architectural drafting services, 3D architectural rendering services and even homebuilder’s construction drawings on time and within budget, rising to the challenges of the global Coronavirus pandemic. With such partners, the homebuilding industry looks on track to beating the Covid-19 threat to business continuity.
XS CAD has valuable experience as a 3D rendering services provider, providing BIM modelling services, 3D visualisation services and residential design drawings for global firms. Our range of services for large homebuilders across the world include 2D architectural drafting, 3D BIM modelling and 3D rendering services.